Meals on Wheels is excited to announce our first ever Tree decorating Contest! There will be three teams and the competition will be fierce:
Kitchen vs. Office vs. Delivery Crews
Each team will have one tree to decorate between Dec 1st and Dec 19th.
Voting will take place on Dec 19th at 12:30 PM in our parking lot!
The winners will be announced at 1 PM.
We will celebrate with a hot chocolate bar for all to enjoy & prizes for the winning team.
We invite you to team up with your “favorite” crew for this competition! Email us if you are interested in teaming up to decorate. Or you are welcome to simply enjoy the comradery & hot chocolate to be served.
There is no need to RSVP for this event.
Hope to see you here!

… The Winner is…
The Office Team!
After two weeks of tree-decorating-shenanigans, we are excited to announce that the Office Team has won this contest! Take a look at the final results of the competition below.
The Kitchen Team (2nd Place) decorated their tree with 10 lb cans of fruits/vegetables and fake snow. The Drivers Team (3rd Place) worked diligently to string together ornaments of various types (dried fruit, sea shells, and others). It is hard to see in this picture, but the Drivers’ tree lights up beautifully at night. The Office Team (1st Place) decorated their tree with balloons and cardboard cutouts of peppermints & an angel topper. They were awarded a home-made trophy picture below.
Thanks to all who participated in this fun, festive competition.
Happy Holidays!