Thank You

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! We are always looking for help in the kitchen and on the roads! To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available, please click here: 

At this time, we are still asking our volunteers to wear masks while they are inside our building and while interacting with meal recipients. If you are not comfortable in our setting, if you cannot physically help, or you feel the least bit sick but would like to contribute, we appreciate your generosity, click here:

Every Wednesday between 1-3pm we are having open volunteer orientation. No need to call, you can just show up, get a tour, fill out paperwork, and get on the schedule. If that does not work, email and we can set up another time to meet. We remain committed to serving the community and providing our vital and essential services to those that need and expect it. Thank you once again. 


Doug Hopwood
Volunteer Manager
Meals on Wheels of Lancaster
1085 B Manheim Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601