We are excited enough about our upcoming move to our new location on Columbia Avenue. But our new neighbors across the street at the GIANT grocery store located in Stone Mill Plaza have surprised us with a moving gift!
They have selected Meals on Wheels of Lancaster to be a part of the GIANT Bags 4 My Cause Program, which is designed to make it easy for customers to contribute to their local community while supporting the environment.
The GIANT Bags 4 My Cause Program, which launched in February 2019, is a reusable bag program that facilitates community support with the goal to make a difference in the communities shoppers live and work in. The program features the reusable Bags 4 My Cause Bag with a special tag attached to it that allows customers to direct a donation to a non-profit of their choice upon purchase.

For the entire month of April 2019, each time a reusable Bags 4 My Cause Bag is purchased at the GIANTlocated at 1360 Columbia Ave, Lancaster, PA, $1 will be donated to Meals on Wheels of Lancasterunless otherwise directed by the customer through the Giving Tag.
To all of our donors, volunteers, and supporters, we appreciate the time, money, and effort you pour into Meals on Wheels of Lancaster, which has allowed us to maintain the work we do in our community. The GIANT Bags 4 My Cause Program is a great way to continue to support our cause while also working to eliminate single-use paper and plastic bags.
Imagine if each one of our supporters purchased just ONE bag! Please spread the word and pass this exciting news on to your friends and family.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
For more information on the GIANT Bags 4 My Cause Program, visit giant.bags4mycause.com.