Volunteer Training Sessions

In collaboration with the Lancaster Downtowners, Meals on Wheels of Lancaster is proud to offer volunteer trainings. These trainings are available to ALL volunteers whether you exclusively deliver meals, help in our kitchen, engage in the MTAM program, or volunteer with the Downtowners independently of Meals on Wheels. We will focus on a different topic at each training session: home safety, fall risk prevention, signs of elder abuse, setting boundaries and more.

Our upcoming training will take place on Friday, April 28th from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM. The training will be led by Melissa Ressler, Executive Director of the Lancaster Downtowners. Note: This event is different from our More Than a Meal Info Sessions

Date: Friday, April 28th
Time: 1:30 – 2:30 PM

Location: 1411 Columbia Ave

To RSVP: 717-392-4842 or morethanameal@lancastermow.org

*Funding for this program has been provided by United Way of Lancaster County’s Level Up & Launch Grant opportunity*