While we are in the process of planning how functions will work in the new building, we are also planning to add an important service to Lancaster that is not readily available to most seniors. Seniors can quality for monthly food boxes, however, for those who are no longer mobile or able to carry heavier items these food boxes are too often out of reach. The process requires the seniors to pick them up from a facility or designate a proxy to pick them up. But many of these individuals who quality are without someone who can serve as that proxy. As a result, Meals on Wheels is setting up to be the proxy for homebound seniors who quality. We also will be able to check their qualifications to make sure they get the support available to them.
We recently revealed our new initiative around SNAP enrollment for seniors who are homebound. It is so important that we get financial support for food to those seniors who need the assistance because pensions aren’t on the rise (if they have one), Social Security continues to limp along without keeping pace of the cost of living, and the stock market volatility is concerning. But sometimes getting food right into the hands of our neighbors is the best thing we can do. This process also helps individuals get access to utilities support including for heating supplies.
We are grateful to be doing more. These improvements in what we serve and who we serve them to are only possible with the generous support of individuals like yourself. Lancaster County Community Foundation’s annual Extraordinary Give showed again the generosity of Lancaster County. We are grateful for your support whether it is material or immaterial. Together, we can deliver a better community who alleviates stresses of caring for a senior loved one, or being a senior with little support.
Meals on Wheels of Lancaster is exploring partnership with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank. Already, for years, we have partnered with them as members of the collaborative Hunger Free Lancaster Coalition which aims to ensure Lancaster is a community where everyone has access to a meal regardless their income or other circumstances. Important work has been done there, and we have been enamored with the expertise and ingenuity of the Food Bank. Their breadth and ability to support other organizations doing work in feeding is inspiring. You can find the report of our coalition’s work by reading the Year Three Report!